floating decorative bubble
floating decorative bubble
floating decorative bubble
floating decorative bubble


Featuring both an internal C# server, and a web client, Woot-verlay is a keyboard overlay for streamers. As a one of a kind app, it allows streamers or curious users to display real-time information of their keyboard.

It uses Wooting's embedded keyboard SDK, to real analogue (pressure-sensitive) values and displays how far a key is pushed down, and if it's active. Perfect for competitive games, or just for fun. It even supports fill directions, making any layout of keys and resizing them.

This app has been featured on Wooting's Twitter and YouTube, received many likes and downloads, and an offer to do an internship at Wooting themselves!

The project is on my GitHub. The web interface can be used on this site as well as over LAN, but requires an analogue keyboard to work!
Wootverlay screenshot
Wootverlay screenshot
Wootverlay screenshot

Version 1
Version 2

Grade calcu­lAtor

This is a grade calculating site for students. This is written in Angular as it follows an object orientated design, giving me experience with a new language.

You can add multiple years > semesters > courses and within them, have course groups such as tests or assignments, then have the individual grades inside. What makes this unique it will allow adding all the exams and then as you fill them in, it predicts what you need to score in each future task to obtain your desired grade. You can also 'predict' your results for exams and it will update estimates accordingly.

This project is available on my GitHub or launch it here.

Grade calculator screenshot
Grade calculator screenshot
Grade calculator screenshot


This is my new version of the grade calculator written in React and using global contexts to manage the state. The code is much improved and I have redesigned the whole UI.

UpGrade is currently released on the Google Play Store! It is a progressive web app that can be installed on mobile devices, featuring local storage saving and offline usage. It was originally a web app that uses a ServiceWorker to allow offline usage and installation.

You can add multiple years > semesters > courses and within them, have course groups such as tests or assignments, then have the individual grades inside. It also has different usages, including a split-screen UI for large devices.

This project is available and currently in development on my GitHub or launch it here!

Grade calculator screenshot
Grade calculator screenshot
Grade calculator screenshot
Grade calculator screenshot

Wings jAva gaMe

This is a program that I created for my Computer Graphics course and later developed into a full game. Wings is a flappy-bird-type game with a paper plane that rises and sinks in smooth arcs following gravity. The objective is to last as long as possible and collect floating coins to quickly increase your score.

One of the main features is its two modes; a normal mode set during the day, and a hard mode at night which features pipe styles that each behave differently such as shifting, closing in, and fading. It uses multi-threaded loading for audio and can store users' high scores.

The game is built in Processing which is based on Java and all graphics were created by me to follow a cartoon style. The project source code is available on my GitHub. You can also download and run the executables in the exported folder.

Wings game screenshot
Wings game screenshot

imageEn Website

In 2022, I was contracted to update the website,, a company which creates libraries that are used by software developers. I was tasked with improving the styling and updating the HTML to current design standards.

I first designed mock-ups and collected feedback until the end-users were happy and then coded the HTML/CSS and created the graphics. These changes were then pushed to the server where they were checked for issues and tweaked until everyone was satisfied. You can visit this site at

ImageEn website screenshot
ImageEn website screenshot

bunny's chAllenGe

A spin-off of the original Chips Challenge. This was a group project for SWEN225. Each of us was responsible for a section of the program, with me being in charge of rendering the game and sounds.

I modified the assets from a free assets pack and wrote modular code to render the game with animations with an audio generator, in a model-view-controller setup. The game has multiple levels, a main menu, pausing, saving levels, and even a replay system!

My group was Linda Zhang (Game functionality), Luke Piper (Home & Menus), Jarvis Warnock (Levels & saving), William Kho (Testing), Quinten Smith (Replays), and myself.

Bunny's Challenge home screen

Google AI proGraM

As a type of 'internship' for my father's software company, I worked on a local client for Google's AI object detection API. It communicates with the web-based API to perform tasks on users' images, such as recognising faces, evaluating people's moods based on their expressions, and much more.

The program is written in Delphi and provides a user-friendly UI for people to upload their photos and display results.

Google AI home screen
Google AI results screen

plAygRound site

A fun project that is a work in progress. This currently drops letters on the screen and allows you to move them around. I'm planning to add more features to this, such as being able to create lines of math and have it evaluate the result.

Playground site
Playground site

Volunteer work

In my free time, I design mockups and peer code/teach my friends how to create pages using HTML/CSS and JavaScript or React. These are usually Portfolio sites for them to showcase their projects and skills in university. I have also helped design the UI of a lucky draw website used by the Victoria International Students Association. You can view these projects on my work page here!

Anything else?

In college, we were tasked with creating a website to teach a user about a specific part of what we have learnt, and I developed one to help people understand how to create CSS animations and transitions. The page makes use of locally stored themes, dynamic viewports, and scripts.

You can always ask me for more information such as files, initial sketches, mock-ups and explanations for my projects :)

Theme switch button.